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matlab 自写iradonInverse Radon transform

时间:2023-05-05 02:13:13 阅读:195242 作者:3070


Inverse Radon transform


I = iradon(R,theta)

reconstructs the image I from projection data in

R captured at projection angles


iradon uses default

values for arguments that you omit.

also returns the frequency response of the filter,


Compare Filtered and Unfiltered Backprojection

Create an image of the phantom. Display the image.

P = phantom(128);


title('Original image')

Perform a Radon transform of the image.

R = radon(P,0:179);

Perform filtered backprojection.

Perform unfiltered backprojection.

Display the reconstructed images.




title('Filtered Backprojection')



title('Unfiltered Backprojection')

Examine Backprojection at a Single Angle

Create an image of the phantom.

P = phantom(128);

Perform a Radon transform of the image, then get the projection vector corresponding to a projection at a 45 degree angle.

R = radon(P,0:179);

r45 = R(:,46);

Perform the ctdxb transform of this single projection vector. The iradon syntax does not allow you to do this directly, because if theta is a scalar it is treated as an increment. You can accomplish the task by passing in two copies of the projection vector and then dividing the result by 2.

I = iradon([r45 r45], [45 45])/2;

Display the result.

imshow(I, zgdxq)

title('Backprojection from 45 degrees')

Input Arguments

R — Parallel beam projection data

numeric column vector | numeric matrix

Parallel beam projection data, specified as one of the following.

If theta is a scalar, then specify

R as a numeric column vector containing

the Radon transform for theta


If theta is a vector, then specify

R as a 2-D matrix in which each column

is the Radon transform for one of the angles in


Data Types:single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | logical

theta — Projection angles

numeric vector | numeric scalar | zgdxq

Projection angles (in degrees), specified as one of the


between the angles.

numeric scalarIncremental angle between projections. Projections

are taken at angles m*theta, where


zgdxqAutomatically set the incremental angle between

projections to 180/size(R,2)

Data Types:double

interp — Type of interpolation

'linear' (default) | 'nearest' | 'spline' | 'pchip' | 'v5cubic'

Type of interpolation to use in the back projection, specified as one of

these values, listed in order of increasing accuracy and computational


'linear'Linear interpolation

'spline'Spline interpolation

'pchip'Shape-preserving piecewise cubic interpolation

'v5cubic'Cubic convolution used in MATLAB® 5

Data Types:char | string

filter — Filter

'Ram-Lak' (default) | 'Shepp-Logan' | 'Cosine' | 'Hamming' | 'Hann' | 'None'

Filter to use for frequency domain filtering, specified as one of these


ValueDescription'Ram-Lak'Cropped Ram-Lak or ramp filter. The frequency

response of this filter is | f |.

Because this filter is sensitive to noise in the

projections, one of the filters listed below might be

preferable. These filters multiply the Ram-Lak filter by

a window that de-emphasizes high


sinc function

'Cosine'Multiplies the Ram-Lak filter by a

cosine function

'Hamming'Multiplies the Ram-Lak filter by a Hamming


'Hann'Multiplies the Ram-Lak filter by a Hann


'None'No filtering. iradon returns

unfiltered backprojection data.

Data Types:char | string

frequency_scaling — Scale factor

1 (default) | positive number in the range (0, 1]

Scale factor for rescaling the frequency axis, specified as a positive

number in the range (0, 1]. If frequency_scaling is

less than 1, then the filter is compressed to fit into the frequency range

frequencies above frequency_scaling are set to


output_size — Number of rows and columns in the reconstructed image

positive integer

Number of rows and columns in the reconstructed image, specified as a

positive integer. If output_size is not specified, the

size is determined from the length of the projections according to:

output_size = 2*floor(size(R,1)/(2*sqrt(2)))

If you specify output_size, then

iradon reconstructs a smaller or larger portion of

the image but does not change the scaling of the data. If the projections

were calculated with the radon function, then the

reconstructed image might not be the same size as the original image.

Output Arguments

I — Grayscale image

numeric matrix

Grayscale image, returned as a numeric matrix. If input projection data

R is data type single, then

I is single; otherwise

I is double.

Data Types:single | double

H — Frequency response

numeric vector

Frequency response of the filter, returned as a numeric vector.

Data Types:double


iradon assumes that the center of rotation is the center point of

the projections, which is defined as ceil(size(R,1)/2).

iradon uses the filtered back projection algorithm to perform the

ctdxb transform. The filter is designed directly in the frequency domain and

then multiplied by the FFT of the projections. The projections are zero-padded to a

power of 2 before filtering to prevent spatial domain aliasing and to speed up the


Computerized Tomographic Imaging, New York, NY, IEEE Press,


Extended Capabilities

Accelerate code by running on a graphics processing unit (GPU) using Parallel Computing Toolbox™.

Usage notes and limitations:

The GPU implementation of this function supports only nearest-neighbor and

linear interpolation methods.

For more information, see Image Processing on a GPU.

Introduced before yldmf/p>

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