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safe and sound歌词完整版,king safe king保险箱说明书

时间:2023-05-03 17:14:03 阅读:206693 作者:3667


这一期我们在U-Boot上搭建一个简易的web server,实现http方式的更新功能,web server是基于uIP实现,已经有前辈在这方面完成了需求,所以我这里向大家推荐两个github的repository:
https://github.com/widora/u-boot-mt7688 widora 基于mt7688修改的U-Boot 添加了 web failsafe 功能,我主要参考它的修改。
https://github.com/pepe2k/u-boot_mod pepe2k 波兰的大哥,基于Athros平台修改的U-Boot,国内很多U-Boot都是基于它的版本进行修改的,上面提到的widora也是。
再向大家推荐一个博客:http://blog.csdn.net/rqdyx_yz/article/details/40862343 这位小伙将U-Boot移植web failsafe功能讲的很详细。
使用web failsafe相比TTL+TFTP的方式缺点就是灵活性不够好,我们不能随意的定义刷入固件的地址,所以要在设计的时候将可能会刷入的固件类型都考虑到。ralink平台下flash的分区主要的模块有三个:U-boot,art,firmware。U-Boot就不用说了,开机首先运行;art分区有很多名称,ralink手册中把它称为factory,这个分区的意义是最重要的,里面存放了网卡的MAC地址,无线信号的校准数据,还有一个校验数据,路由器的无线发射部分是模拟器件,做过模拟产品的xsdlz应该都清楚,所用的模拟产品在生产环节都会有校准这一环节,校准后的数据就会放到art分区当中,而且每台设备的校准数据是唯一的,所以在把路由器变成开发板前,最重要的操作就是备份art分区;firmware分区就是U-Boot引导的OpenWrt所在分区。这样目标就确认了,制作一个页面,允许上传三种数据,并刷入相应的分区。
移植的过程和上一期的过程一样,因为这一期要修改的代码量比较大,所以我在SDK的Code目录下新建了一个Uboot_hpptd文件,这里面为增加web failsafe的U-Boot。

我这里只是为了实现web failsafe的功能,为了避免给您的路由器带来不可恢复的故障,我没有对flash进行具体操作,把具体的操作留给大家自行修改,也算是一个小作业。将固件编译后,加载内存并运行:

可以看到 HTTP server is ready! 这是打开浏览器,在地址栏输入U-Boot的网址,就能看到web failsafe界面:

这里再具体分析一个问题,我们通常的web服务器都是基于文件系统的,比如将web服务器的根目录指定到一个文件夹,web服务器会自动调用默认的文件应对http请求,而在U-boot中并没有文件系统,我们刚才的web failsafe是怎么实现对指定的html文件进行调用的呢。我们来看一下U-Boot目录下的httpd文件,里面的venders文件夹有一个makefsdatac文件:

#!/虚幻的大山/bash # This script generates "fsdata.c" file for uIP 0.9 stack.# It takes one argument - name of vendor directory,# which should contains all www files, at least:# - index.html (with: <input type="file" name="firmware">)# - 404.html# - flashing.hmtl# - fail.html## All other files are optional. If you want to allow also# ART and/or U-Boot image update, add the following files,# with appropriate inputs in form:# - art.html (<input type="file" name="art">)# - uboot.html (<input type="file" name="uboot">)## HTML and CSS files are compressed before placing them# inside "fsdata.c".## You SHOULDN'T embed addresses of any external# files in "flashing.html" file, because web server,# after receive POST data, returns this page and stops. # Vendor specific directory (default: "general")vendor_dir=${1:-RFDemo} # Temporary filesfiles_content_tmp="vendors/.files_content"files_list_tmp="vendors/.files_list" # YUI Compressor path (should be in the same dir)yui_compressor=`ls -t vendors/*.jar 2> /dev/null | tail --lines=1`# Previous fsdata_file var nameprev_fsdata_struct="NULL"# Files counterfiles_counter=0# Change ASCII to bytes, comma separated (e.g. "0x01, 0x02, 0x03...")function ascii_to_bytes() {echo -ne $1 | od -A n -t x1 | tr -d 'rn' | sed 's/ /0x/;s/ /, 0x/g;s/.{102}/&n/g'}# $1 -> file pathfunction print_data_array() {local _file_ext="${1##*.}"local _file_name="${1##*/}"local _file_name_no_ext="${_file_name%.*}"local _file_content=""# Open variable declaration`echo -ne "static const char data_"$_file_name_no_ext"_"$_file_ext"[] = {n" >> "$files_content_tmp"``echo -ne "/* HTTP Header */n" >> "$files_content_tmp"`# HTTP header (200 OK or 404 Not Found)if [ "$_file_name_no_ext" == "404" ]; then`ascii_to_bytes "HTTP/1.0 404 File not foundrn" >> "$files_content_tmp"`else`ascii_to_bytes "HTTP/1.0 200 OKrn" >> "$files_content_tmp"`fi# Server type`echo "," >> "$files_content_tmp"``ascii_to_bytes "Server: uIP/0.9rn" >> "$files_content_tmp"``echo "," >> "$files_content_tmp"`# Contentif [ "$_file_ext" == "css" ]; thenif [ -e "$yui_compressor" ]; then_file_content=`java -jar "$yui_compressor" --charset utf-8 "$1" | od -A n -t x1 | tr -d 'rn' | sed 's/ /0x/;s/ /, 0x/g;s/.{102}/&n/g'`else_file_content=`cat "$1" | tr -d 'rnt' | od -A n -t x1 | tr -d 'rn' | sed 's/ /0x/;s/ /, 0x/g;s/.{102}/&n/g'`fi`ascii_to_bytes "Content-type: text/css; charset=UTF-8rnrn" >> "$files_content_tmp"`elif [ "$_file_ext" == "png" ]; then_file_content=`od -A n -t x1 < "$1" | tr -d 'rn' | sed 's/ /0x/;s/ /, 0x/g;s/.{102}/&n/g'``ascii_to_bytes "Content-Type: image/pngrnrn" >> "$files_content_tmp"`elif [ "$_file_ext" == "jpg" -o "$_file_ext" == "jpeg" ]; then_file_content=`od -A n -t x1 < "$1" | tr -d 'rn' | sed 's/ /0x/;s/ /, 0x/g;s/.{102}/&n/g'``ascii_to_bytes "Content-Type: image/jpegrnrn" >> "$files_content_tmp"`elif [ "$_file_ext" == "gif" ]; then_file_content=`od -A n -t x1 < "$1" | tr -d 'rn' | sed 's/ /0x/;s/ /, 0x/g;s/.{102}/&n/g'``ascii_to_bytes "Content-Type: image/gifrnrn" >> "$files_content_tmp"`else_file_content=`cat "$1" | tr -d 'trn' | od -A n -t x1 | tr -d 'rn' | sed 's/ /0x/;s/ /, 0x/g;s/.{102}/&n/g'``ascii_to_bytes "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8rnrn" >> "$files_content_tmp"`fi`echo "," >> "$files_content_tmp"`# File content`echo -ne "/* Page/File content */n" >> "$files_content_tmp"``echo -ne "$_file_content" >> "$files_content_tmp"`# And close declaration`echo -ne ", 0 };nn" >> "$files_content_tmp"`}# $1 -> file pathfunction print_data_struct() {local _file_ext="${1##*.}"local _file_name="${1##*/}"local _file_name_no_ext="${_file_name%.*}"`echo -ne "const struct fsdata_file file_"$_file_name_no_ext"_"$_file_ext"[] = {{n" >> "$files_list_tmp"``echo -ne "t"$prev_fsdata_struct",n" >> "$files_list_tmp"``echo -ne "t"/$_file_name_no_ext.$_file_ext",n" >> "$files_list_tmp"``echo -ne "tdata_"$_file_name_no_ext"_"$_file_ext",n" >> "$files_list_tmp"``echo -ne "t(int)sizeof(data_"$_file_name_no_ext"_"$_file_ext") - 1n" >> "$files_list_tmp"``echo -ne "}};nn" >> "$files_list_tmp"` prev_fsdata_struct="file_"$_file_name_no_ext"_"$_file_ext""} # === Main loop === if [ -d vendors/"$vendor_dir" ]; then # If vendor dir exists# Remove old fsdata.cif [ -a "fsdata.c" ]; then`rm "fsdata.c"`fi `touch "$files_content_tmp" "$files_list_tmp"` # Loop through all files in vendor dirfor file in vendors/"$vendor_dir"/*; do # For all found filesprint_data_array $fileprint_data_struct $filefiles_counter=$((files_counter+1))done# Add required defines`echo "#define FS_ROOT "$prev_fsdata_struct"" >> "$files_list_tmp"``echo "#define FS_NUMFILES "$files_counter"" >> "$files_list_tmp"`# Generate new fsdata.c`touch "fsdata.c"``cat "$files_content_tmp" > "fsdata.c"``cat "$files_list_tmp" >> "fsdata.c"``rm "$files_content_tmp" "$files_list_tmp"`elseecho "Error! Vendor specific directory (vendors/"$vendor_dir") doesn't exist!"fi

这个文件将venders目录下RFDemo文件内的所有html文件抓换成字符串数组,然后在封装成 fsdata_file 结构体,查看fsdata.h中的定义:

struct fsdata_file { const struct fsdata_file *next; const char *name; const char *data; const int len;#ifdef FS_STATISTICS#if FS_STATISTICS == 1 u16_t count;#endif /* FS_STATISTICS */#endif /* FS_STATISTICS */};

在U-Boot中调用相应的文件变为调用相应的结构体,这就是很多嵌入式设备在没有文件系统的情况下构建http server的思路。
SDK下载地址:   https://github.com/aggresss/RFDemo


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