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POJ 2253 Frogger(Dijkstra变形——最短路径最大权值)

时间:2023-05-03 16:11:31 阅读:214815 作者:2900



Description Unfortunately Fiona's stone is out of his jump range. 美满的白羊 considers to use other stones as intermediate stops and reach her by a sequence of several small jumps.
To execute a given sequence of jumps, a frog's jump range obviously must be at least as long as the longest jump occuring in the sequence.
The frog distance (humans also call it minimax distance) between two stones therefore is defined as the minimum necessary jump range over all possible paths between the two stones.

You are given the coordinates of Freddy's stone, Fiona's stone and all other stones in the lake. Your job is to compute the frog distance between Freddy's and Fiona's stone.


The input will contain one or more test cases. The first line of each test case will contain the number of stones n (2<=n<=200). The next n lines each contain two integers xi,yi (0 <= xi,yi <= 1000) representing the coordinates of stone #i. Stone #1 is Freddy's stone, stone #2 is Fiona's stone, the other n-2 stones are unoccupied. There's a blank line following each test case. Input is terminated by a value of zero (0) for n.


For each test case, print a line saying "Scenario #x" and a line saying "Frog Distance = y" where x is replaced by the test case number (they are numbered from 1) and y is replaced by the appropriate real number, printed to three decimals. Put a blank line after each test case, even after the last one.

Sample Input

20 03 4317 419 418 50

Sample Output

Scenario #1Frog Distance = 5.000Scenario #2Frog Distance = 1.414
AC代码: 1 #include<stdio.h> 2 #include<string.h> 3 #include<math.h> 4 #include<algorithm> 5 using namespace std; 6 struct Node 7 { 8 double x,y; 9 };10 struct Node node[210];11 double e[210][210],dis[210];12 int main()13 {14 int n,book[210],i,j,u,v,t=1;15 double x,y,inf=99999999,mins;16 while(scanf("%d",&n),n != 0)17 {18 for(i=1;i<=n;i++)19 for(j=1;j<=n;j++)20 e[i][j]=inf;21 for(i=1;i<=n;i++)22 scanf("%lf%lf",&node[i].x,&node[i].y);23 for(i=1;i<=n;i++)24 {25 for(j=1;j<=n;j++)26 {27 if(i != j)28 e[i][j]=sqrt(fabs(node[i].x-node[j].x)*fabs(node[i].x-node[j].x)29 +fabs(node[i].y-node[j].y)*fabs(node[i].y-node[j].y));30 }31 }32 33 for(i=1;i<=n;i++)34 dis[i]=e[1][i];35 memset(book,0,sizeof(book));36 book[1]=1;37 for(i=1;i<=n-1;i++)38 {39 mins=inf;40 for(j=1;j<=n;j++)41 {42 if(!book[j] && dis[j] < mins)43 {44 mins=dis[j];45 u=j;46 }47 }48 book[u]=1;49 for(v=1;v<=n;v++)50 {51 if(!book[v] && e[u][v] < inf)52 {53 if(dis[v] > max(dis[u],e[u][v]))54 dis[v]=max(dis[u],e[u][v]); 55 }56 }57 }58 printf("Scenario #%dnFrog Distance = %.3lfnn",t++,dis[2]);59 }60 return 0;61 }

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