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时间:2023-05-04 05:17:55 阅读:216472 作者:611

文章目录 1、编写Python脚本2、编写Arduino侧的代码,并且烧录到板子上3、运行Python脚本,查看效果


1、编写Python脚本 #codinf:utf-8import serialport = "/dev/ttyACM0" //由于树莓派和Arduino的连接并不是那么稳定,可能会莫名其妙地断开又重连,导致ACM口经常变,所以要记得及时修改,否则会报错 single = serial.Serial(port,9600)single.flushInput()while True: print("Please input '1' to open the led,input '2' to shutdown the ledninput '3' to get the lightnumbern") num = int(input("Input your num:")) if num == 1: single.flushOutput() single.write('5') print("The led is opened~n") elif num == 2: single.flushOutput() single.write('6') print("THe led is shutdownedn") elif num == 3: Input = single.readline() f = open('/home/pi/arduino/light.txt', mode='w') f.write(Input) f.close() Output = int(Input) print('The light number is: ',Output) else: print("Please input 1-3 to control me!!!") break 2、编写Arduino侧的代码,并且烧录到板子上 const int led = 13;void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(led, OUTPUT);}void loop() { int val; char a; val = analogRead(1); Serial.println(val); if (Serial.available()) { a = Serial.read(); Serial.print(a) ; if (a == '5' ) { digitalWrite(led, HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(led, LOW); } delay(1000); } 3、运行Python脚本,查看效果



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