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螺旋模型 增量模型_螺旋模型| 软件工程

时间:2023-05-06 14:51:09 阅读:230351 作者:352

螺旋模型 增量模型

The spiral model overcomes almost every drawback of the other software lifecycle models. However, it has some of its drawbacks too. First, let us understand what a Spiral model is?

螺旋模型克服了其他软件生命周期模型的几乎所有缺点。 但是,它也有一些缺点。 首先,让我们了解什么是螺旋模型?

The spiral model can be thought as of a model that has the capability of handling the maximum amount of risks that may occur while developing any software. This model holds the components of almost every other software lifecycle model, i.e. the waterfall models, the prototyping model, the iterative model, the evolutionary model, etc. Due to this, this model is able to handle almost every kind of risk that other models usually fail to handle. However, due to so many components, this model is much more complex than the other software lifecycle models.

螺旋模型可以被认为是具有处理开发任何软件时可能发生的最大风险的能力的模型。 该模型包含几乎所有其他软件生命周期模型的组件,例如瀑布模型,原型模型,迭代模型,演化模型等。因此,该模型能够处理几乎所有其他模型所面临的风险通常无法处理。 但是,由于组件太多,因此该模型比其他软件生命周期模型要复杂得多。

As the name suggests, the spiral model appears as a spiral shape in which the different phases of the model are distributed in different loops. The number of loops in the model is not fixed and may vary. Each loop performs a set of specific activities. In general, the following activities are carried out in different loops of the spiral model:

cmdzdj, 螺旋模型显示为螺旋形状,其中模型的不同阶段分布在不同的回路中。 模型中的循环数不是固定的,可能会有所不同。 每个循环执行一组特定的活动。 通常,以下活动是在螺旋模型的不同循环中进行的 :

https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Benjamin_Cowley/publication/287268554/figure/fig1/AS:[email protected]/The-spiral-model-of-design-This-consists-of-four-phases-1-Determine-objectives.png

https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Benjamin_Cowley/publication/287268554/figure/fig1/AS: [受电子邮件保护] / The-spiral-model-of-design-This-consists-of-four-phases-1 -Determine-objectives.png

Fig. The spiral model: A type of software lifecycle model


As it can also be seen in the diagram, the spiral model is divided into four major quadrants. Therefore, apart from the loop divisions, the spiral model is also divided into quadrants which further divide and categorize these loops and each of these divisions contains a set of activities that are performed while the software development. Each of the quadrants of the spiral model performs the following functions:

从图中还可以看出, 螺旋模型分为四个主要象限。 因此,除了循环划分之外,螺旋模型还被划分为多个象限,这些象限进一步对这些循环进行划分和分类,并且这些划分中的每一个都包含一组在软件开发过程中执行的活动。 螺旋模型的每个象限执行以下功能:

First quadrant:


Sets the objective of the software and analyses all the risks associated with the software.


Second Quadrant:


This quadrant deals with the complete analysis of each of the risks analyzed in the first quadrant. Apart from that, the risk reduction is also taken care of here.

该象限处理对在第一象限中分析的每个风险的完整分析。 除此之外,在这里还可以降低风险。

Third quadrant:


This quadrant includes all the development and validation part which includes coding, testing, and other stuff.


Fourth quadrant:


The fourth quadrant deals with the final results that we are getting from the software. It involves the review, planning, and maintenance of the software.

第四象限处理我们从软件获得的最终结果。 它涉及软件的审查,计划和维护。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/basics/the-spiral-model-in-software-engineering.aspx

螺旋模型 增量模型

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