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QML Camera 摄像头拍照带滑动条设置焦距,excel表格滑动条设置

时间:2023-05-05 10:38:53 阅读:265017 作者:2508


Item{ id:item anchors.fill: parent Camera { id: camera focus { focusMode: Camera.FocusAuto; focusPointMode: Camera.FocusPointCenter; } captureMode: Camera.CaptureStillImage; imageProcessing { whiteBalanceMode: CameraImageProcessing.WhiteBalanceAuto; } flash.mode: Camera.FlashAuto; imageCapture { onImageCaptured: { // Show the preview in an Image photoPreview.source = preview } } } VideoOutput { id:viewfinder source: camera fillMode: Stretch focus : visible // to receive focus and capture key events when visible anchors.fill: parent autoOrientation: true MouseArea{ anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { camera.searchAndLock(); } } } ZoomControl { id:zoomControl x : 0 y : 0 z:3 width : 100 height: parent.height currentZoom: camera.digitalZoom maximumZoom: Math.min(4.0, camera.maximumDigitalZoom) onZoomTo: camera.setDigitalZoom(value) } TLImageButton{ id:captureBtn width: 60 height: width picNormal:commonParameter.getSkinPath() + "icon_capture_normal.png" picPressed: commonParameter.getSkinPath() + "icon_capture_press.png" picHover: commonParameter.getSkinPath() + "icon_capture_normal.png" anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: 8*initWidth/375.0 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter onClicked: { camera.imageCapture.capture() } } } Image {id: photoPreview}


import QtQuick 2.0import QtMultimedia 5.0Item { id : zoomControl property real currentZoom : 1 property real maximumZoom : 1 signal zoomTo(real value) visible: zoomControl.maximumZoom > 1 MouseArea { id : mouseArea anchors.fill: parent property real initialZoom : 0 property real initialPos : 0 onPressed: { initialPos = mouseY initialZoom = zoomControl.currentZoom } onPositionChanged: { if (pressed) { var target = initialZoom * Math.pow(5, (initialPos-mouseY)/zoomControl.height); target = Math.max(1, Math.min(target, zoomControl.maximumZoom)) zoomControl.zoomTo(target) } } } Item { id : bar x : 16 y : parent.height/4 width : 24 height : parent.height/2 Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent smooth: true radius: 8 border.color: "white" border.width: 2 color: "black" opacity: 0.3 } Rectangle { id: groove x : 0 y : parent.height * (1.0 - (zoomControl.currentZoom-1.0) / (zoomControl.maximumZoom-1.0)) width: parent.width height: parent.height - y smooth: true radius: 8 color: "white" opacity: 0.5 } Text { id: zoomText anchors { left: bar.right; leftMargin: 16 } y: Math.min(parent.height - height, Math.max(0, groove.y - height / 2)) text: "x" + Math.round(zoomControl.currentZoom * 100) / 100 font.bold: true color: "white" style: Text.Raised; styleColor: "black" opacity: 0.85 font.pixelSize: 18 } }}

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