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GeoTools,geotools 切片

时间:2023-05-03 18:35:32 阅读:268369 作者:3046


一、Geotools The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit

http://geotools.org/  Geotools官方网站
http://docs.geotools.org/stable/javadocs/index.html?overview-summary.html Geotools API在线文档
http://docs.geotools.org/latest/userguide/tutorial/index.html Geotools教程
https://mvnrepository.com/                           maven仓库地址查询
http://download.osgeo.org/webdav/geotools/      maven仓库地址


二、OpenGIS 软件架构

org.geotools.data 负责地理数据的读写(如:ShapefileReader用于读取shpfile数据)org.geotools.geometry 负责提供对JTs的调用接口,以将地理数据封装成JTS中定义的几何对象(Geometry)org.geotools.feature 负责封装空间几何要素对象(Feature),对应于地图中一个实体,包含:空间数据(Geometry)、属性数据(Aitribute)、参考坐标系(Refereneedsystem)、最小外包矩形(EnveloPe)等属性,是Gls操作的核心数据模型。


org.geotools.data.DataUtilitiesa facade classes which can help simplify common data wrangling chores  简化繁琐的通用数据(1)、定义属性FeatureType TYPE = DataUtilities.createType("Location","location:Point," + "NAME:String," + "INFO:String,"+ "OWNER:String");(2) DataUtilities.schemaYou can use this method to quickly get a representation of a FeatureType  返回FeatureType的schema//返回schemaDataUtilities.spec(featureType))(3) DataUtilities.collection   Feature数组转换为Feature集合DataUtilities has helper methods to turn almost anything into a FeatureCollectionFeature[] array; ....return DataUtilties.collection( array );(4) DataUtilities.reader 格式化convert a perfectly good collection to  FeatureReader format.FeatureCollection collection;FeatureReader reader = DataUtilities.reader( collection );

附:shp 格式文件介绍

Shapefile file extensions.shp—The main file that stores the feature geometry. Required..shx—The index file that stores the index of the feature geometry. Required..dbf—The dBASE table that stores the attribute information of features. Required.There is a one-to-one relationship between geometry and attributes, which is based on record number..prj—The file that stores the coordinate system information. Used by ArcGIS.

代码 数据类型 允许输入的数据
B  二进制型 各种字符。
C  字符型   各种字符。
D  日期型   用于区分年、月、日的数字和一个字符,内部存储按照YYYYMMDD格式。
G  (Generalor OLE)    各种字符。
N   数值型(Numeric)    - . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
L   逻辑型(Logical)? Y y N n T t F f (? 表示没有初始化)。
M   (Memo)   各种字符。

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