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时间:2023-05-05 15:19:25 阅读:277091 作者:1563


In an effort to make the web and media more efficient, developers and corporations everywhere are investing effort in creating better file formats and delivery streams.  One of the more impressive video formats I've seen is the WEBM file format.  WEBM files are quite small but the quality is still impressive.  If you're ready to support and serve WEBM, here's how you can convert your traditional file format videos to WEBM!

为了提高Web和媒体的效率,各地的开发人员和公司都在努力创建更好的文件格式和交付流。 我见过的最令人印象深刻的视频格式之一是WEBM文件格式。 WEBM文件很小,但质量仍然令人印象深刻。 如果您准备支持和服务WEBM,可以通过以下方法将传统文件格式的视频转换为WEBM!

You're going to use ffmpeg, as you could probably guess.  Thanks to a tip from the Theme Foundry, here's the shell command magic that will convert your video to WEBM:

您可能会猜到,您将使用ffmpeg 。 感谢Theme Foundry的提示 ,这是将您的视频转换成WEBM的shell命令魔术:

ffmpeg -i trailer.mov -c:v libvpx -crf 10 -b:v 1M -c:a libvorbis trailer.webm

A comparison of quality is the same but the comparison in file size is fractional.


在Apache服务器上支持WEBM (Supporting WEBM on Apache Servers)

You may need to add support to your Apache server for WEBM since it's a newer format. Here's how I added WEBM support via .htaccess:

您可能需要为WEBM的Apache服务器添加支持,因为它是较新的格式。 这是我通过.htaccess添加WEBM支持的方式:

AddType video/webm webm

WEBM will be a great format moving forward and I look forward to seeing our legacy formats leave while new formats take over.  It's a true sign that the future is mobile!

WEBM将是前进的绝佳格式,我期待看到我们的旧格式在新格式被接管的同时离开。 这是未来是移动的真实信号!

翻译自: https://davidwalsh.name/convert-to-webm


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