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时间:2023-05-04 00:12:31 阅读:277986 作者:3966


By default, Ubuntu checks for system updates every day and prompts you when they are available. At that point, you can choose to download and install the updates immediately or have Ubuntu remind you later. However, you can also choose to have updates downloaded and installed automatically.

默认情况下,Ubuntu每天都会检查系统更新,并在可用时提示您。 此时,您可以选择立即下载并安装更新,也可以让Ubuntu稍后提醒您。 但是,您也可以选择自动下载并安装更新。

NOTE: When we say to type something in this article and there are quotes around the text, DO NOT type the quotes, unless we specify otherwise.


Click the “Search your computer and online sources” button on the Unity bar and type “software and update” in the edit box. As you type, results display below the edit box. Click the “Software & Updates” icon.

单击Unity栏上的“搜索计算机和在线资源”按钮,然后在编辑框中键入“软件和更新”。 键入时,结果显示在编辑框下方。 单击“软件和更新”图标。

NOTE: If you don’t want to see online content in your search results, you can disable online content fetching when searching, if you’re using a version of Ubuntu prior to the most recent, 15.04. If you’re using 15.04, you can turn off the online content fetching in the settings. To do so, open the “System Settings”, click “Security & Privacy” in the “Personal” section, and then turn off the “When searching in the Dash: include online search results” option.

注意:如果您不想在搜索结果中看到在线内容,则可以在搜索时禁用在线内容获取 ,如果您使用的是Ubuntu 15.04之前的版本。 如果您使用的是15.04,则可以在设置中关闭在线内容获取功能。 为此,请打开“系统设置”,在“个人”部分中单击“安全和隐私”,然后关闭“在Dash中搜索时:包括在线搜索结果”选项。

On the “Software & Updates” dialog box, click the “Updates” tab.


Select “Download and install automatically” from the “Automatically check for updates” drop-down list.


The “Authenticate” dialog box displays. Enter your Ubuntu account password in the “Password” edit box and click “Authenticate”.

显示“身份验证”对话框。 在“密码”编辑框中输入您的Ubuntu帐户密码,然后单击“验证”。

To automate the updating of software you’ve installed, as well as the system files, select the “Important security updates”, “Recommended updates”, and “Unsupported updates” check boxes so there are check marks in the boxes. Click “Close”.

要自动更新已安装的软件以及系统文件,请选中“重要的安全更新”,“推荐的更新”和“不受支持的更新”复选框,以便在复选框中打勾。 点击“关闭”。

Now, system updates and software updates will automatically be downloaded and installed in the background.


If you’re running the server version of Ubuntu, see our article about enabling automatic security updates in Ubuntu Server.

如果您正在运行服务器版本的Ubuntu,请参阅有关在Ubuntu Server中启用自动安全更新的文章。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/228690/how-to-enable-automatic-system-updates-in-ubuntu/


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