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ExoPlayer播放器,exoplayer 缓存

时间:2023-05-04 09:27:25 阅读:282972 作者:3472

推动历史发展的不是法律,而是金钱. —— JP摩根

1. 应用场景


循环播放:我们可以通过设置setRepeatMode() 进行设置。另外在Player.EventListeneronPlaybackStateChanged(int state) 对播放过程进行监听。


public void onPlaybackStateChanged(int state) { Log.d(TAG, "onPlaybackStateChanged 播放状态:" + state); switch (state) { case Player.STATE_READY: Log.d(TAG, "加载就绪,可以播放"); ... break; case Player.STATE_BUFFERING: Log.d(TAG, "缓冲中..."); ... break; case Player.STATE_ENDED: Log.d(TAG, "播放结束..."); ... break; case Player.STATE_IDLE: ... break; } }


2. 问题

重点来袭:Player.STATE_ENDED 在开启循环模式下是不会被触发的。

静下来想一下,不难理解,这个状态:表示播放器结束播放媒体。(PS: 循环模式当然是不会结束的啦…)


3. 解决方案 public void onPositionDiscontinuity(@Player.DiscontinuityReason int reason) { if(reason == DISCONTINUITY_REASON_PERIOD_TRANSITION){ // TODO... } }


/** * Automatic playback transition from one period in the timeline to the next. The period index may * be the same as it was before the discontinuity in case the current period is repeated. */ int DISCONTINUITY_REASON_PERIOD_TRANSITION = 0; 4. 原理


根据timeline(时间轴)的变化,来调用onPositionDiscontinuity()。【PS: 循环播放他也是 0 ----> 终点 ,0 ----> 终点,…进行循环的】


/** * Listener of changes in player state. All methods have no-op default implementations to allow * selective overrides. */ interface EventListener { /** * Called when the timeline has been refreshed. * * <p>Note that if the timeline has changed then a position discontinuity may also have * occurred. For example, the current period index may have changed as a result of periods being * added or removed from the timeline. This will <em>not</em> be reported via a separate call to * {@link #onPositionDiscontinuity(int)}. * * @param timeline The latest timeline. Never null, but may be empty. * @param reason The {@link TimelineChangeReason} responsible for this timeline change. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") default void onTimelineChanged(Timeline timeline, @TimelineChangeReason int reason) { Object manifest = null; if (timeline.getWindowCount() == 1) { // Legacy behavior was to report the manifest for single window timelines only. Timeline.Window window = new Timeline.Window(); manifest = timeline.getWindow(0, window).manifest; } // Call deprecated version. onTimelineChanged(timeline, manifest, reason); }...}

附上参考链接:ExoPlayer STATE_ENDED not called after song is finished


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