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时间:2023-05-03 10:07:20 阅读:283804 作者:2555


Nearly everyone uses keyboard shortcuts of some sort on their Windows system but what if you could create new ones for your favorite apps or folders? You might just be amazed at how simple it can be with just a few clicks and no programming using WinKey.

几乎每个人都在Windows系统上使用某种键盘快捷键,但是如果您可以为自己喜欢的应用程序或文件夹创建新的键盘快捷键呢? 只需单击几下就无需使用WinKey进行编程,您可能会惊讶它的简单性。

WinKey in Action


During the installation process you will see this window that gives you a good basic idea of just what can be accomplished with this wonderful little app.


As soon as the installation process has finished you will see the “Main App Window”. It provides a simple straightforward listing of all the keyboard shortcuts that it is currently managing.

安装过程完成后,您将看到“主应用程序窗口”。 它提供了一个简单明了的清单,列出了它当前正在管理的所有键盘快捷键。

Note: WinKey will automatically add an entry to the “Startup Listing” in your “Start Menu” during installation.


To see the regular built-in Windows keyboard shortcuts that it is managing click “Standard Shortcuts” to select it and then click on “Properties”.


For those who are curious WinKey does have a “System Tray Icon” that can be disabled if desired. Now onto creating those new keyboard shortcuts…

对于那些好奇的人,WinKey确实有一个“系统托盘图标”,可以根据需要将其禁用。 现在创建这些新的键盘快捷键...

For our example we decided to create a keyboard shortcut for an app rather than a folder. To create a shortcut for an app click on the small “Paper Icon” as shown here. Once you have done that browse to the appropriate folder and select the exe file.

对于我们的示例,我们决定为应用而非文件夹创建键盘快捷键。 要为应用创建快捷方式,请点击小“纸图标”,如下所示。 完成后,浏览至适当的文件夹并选择exe文件。

The second step will be choosing which keyboard shortcut you would like to associate with that particular app. You can use the drop-down list to choose from a listing of available keyboard combinations. For our example we chose “Windows Key + A”.

第二步将是选择要与该特定应用程序关联的键盘快捷键。 您可以使用下拉列表从可用键盘组合列表中进行选择。 对于我们的示例,我们选择“ Windows Key + A”。

The final step is choosing the “Run Mode”. There are three options available in the drop-down list…choose the one that best suits your needs.

最后一步是选择“运行模式”。 下拉列表中有三个选项……选择最适合您需求的一个。

Here is what our example looked like once finished. All that is left to do at this point is click “OK” to finish the process.

这是我们的示例完成后的样子。 此时剩下要做的就是单击“确定”以完成该过程。

And just like that your new keyboard shortcut is now listed in the “Main App Window”. Time to try out your new keyboard shortcut!

就像您现在在“主应用程序窗口”中列出的新键盘快捷键一样。 是时候尝试您的新键盘快捷键了!

One quick use of our new keyboard shortcut and Iron Browser opened right up. WinKey really does make creating new keyboard shortcuts as simple as possible.

快速打开了新键盘快捷键和Iron Browser的使用。 WinKey确实确实使创建新的键盘快捷键尽可能简单。



If you have been wanting to create new keyboard shortcuts for your favorite apps and folders then it really does not get any simpler than with WinKey. This is definitely a recommended app for anyone who loves “get it done” software.

如果您一直想为自己喜欢的应用程序和文件夹创建新的键盘快捷键,那么它的确比使用WinKey更简单。 对于喜欢“完成它”软件的任何人,这绝对是一个推荐的应用程序。



Download WinKey at Softpedia


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/14249/create-custom-windows-key-keyboard-shortcuts-in-windows/


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