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python中func什么意思,python func

时间:2023-05-04 22:13:43 阅读:285757 作者:4925





下面是我要分解的Django函数:def user_passes_test(test_func, login_url=None, redirect_field_name=REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME):


Decorator for views that checks that the user passes the given test,

redirecting to the log-in page if necessary. The test should be a callable

that takes the user object and returns True if the user passes.


def decorator(view_func):

@wraps(view_func, assigned=available_attrs(view_func))

def _wrapped_view(request, *args, **kwargs):

print test_func

if test_func(request.user):

return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)

path = request.build_absolute_uri()

# If the login url is the same scheme and net location then just

# use the path as the "next" url.

login_scheme, login_netloc = urlparse.urlparse(login_url or


current_scheme, current_netloc = urlparse.urlparse(path)[:2]

if ((not login_scheme or login_scheme == current_scheme) and

(not login_netloc or login_netloc == current_netloc)):

path = request.get_full_path()

from django.contrib.auth.views import redirect_to_login

return redirect_to_login(path, login_url, redirect_field_name)

return _wrapped_view

return decorator

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