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时间:2024-04-24 11:43:25 阅读:334277 作者:BKBS




1.打开eclipse,找到菜单栏的window-Preferences,在弹出的窗口中找到Java-Editor-Content Assist,点击后在右侧的窗口中找到Auto Activation--Enable auto activation,在Auto activation triggers for Java:一栏中输入值:zjav。

2.继续:找到菜单栏的window-Preferences,在弹出的窗口中找到JavaScript-Editor-Content Assist,点击后在右侧的窗口中找到Auto Activation--Enable auto activation,在Auto activation triggers for JavaScript:一栏中输入值:zjs,点击右下角的Apply,然后点击OK。



ps:不好意思 记不清配置Internet的还是本地的,都配置下吧,这不影响其他地方的。

myeclipse 10 jsp 和js 文件代码提示问题

myeclipse 10 jsp 和js 文件代码提示设置正确就可以在编写代码的时候正确提示了。


1、依次打开 Window | Preferences | Web |  JavaScript | Editor | Content Assist.


Insertion|sort proposals和auto-activation


Completion Inserts/Completion Overwrites - Select whether choosing an item from the Content Assist list  will cause new code to be entered or existing code to be overwritten.

Insert single proposals automatically -If enabled, the content assist suggestion will be inserted automatically when only one content assist option exists

Insert common prefixes automatically -  If enabled, Content Assist will automatically insert the common prefix of all possible completions similar to Unix shell expansion. This can be used repeatedly, even while the Content Assist window is being displayed.

Fill argument names on completion - If enabled, Content Assist will add arguments when completing a method.

Guess filled function arguments - If enabled, Content Assist will fill the arguments with the best matching function, according to the context.

Sorting and Filtering

Sort proposals - Select how the proposals should be sorted in the Content Assist list.

Hide proposals not visible in the invocation context - If enabled, the Java element proposals are limited by the rules of visibility. For example, private field proposals of other classes would not be displayed.

Show camel case matches - If enabled, camel case matches are displayed (e.g. NPE is expanded to NullPointerException).

Hide forbidden references - If enabled, references to JavaScript elements forbidden by access rules are not displayed.

Hide discouraged references - If enabled, references to JavaScript elements discouraged by access rules are not displayed.

Hide deprecated references - If enabled, references to deprecated JavaScript elements are not displayed.


Enable auto activation - If enabled, the Content Assist list will automatically be displayed when the first letters of an element are typed.

JS代码问题,总是提示网页中有错误, 'className' 为空或不是对象

检查了下你的js 是没问题的


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