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时间:2023-05-03 08:29:47 阅读:44444 作者:391

read sb like an open book很了解…


there is chemistry between us内心丰富

从there're sparks between us传入/感受到

You got me there你对我来说很难

希望I hope I'm not in the way不会打扰到你们

Give sb. a big hand给了XXX热烈的掌声

On a whim一时兴起

hit the sack去睡觉(显示动作,不是睡觉) ) ) )。

Settle down平静下来了

Get through crisis度过了危机

get along with相处得很好

Come/run across偶遇(人/jam ) ) ) )。

Come across as adj .令人印象深刻

Come up to即将到来

Bear=stand=put up with=tolerate忍耐

Put off会延迟postpone

Put sb down=diminish轻视


show up出现


Get stood up被鸽子放出来了

take some getting used to这需要一点时间来习惯

turn sb down拒绝了


窄下缩小(area/list/options ) ) )。

通过cut down/limit缩短时间

curb temper/consumption/habit的行为

talk one's ear off聊天

cloud one's judgement干扰判定

brag about引以为豪

fit in the circle of friends融入朋友圈

make a fool of sb瞧不起某人

驱动器a wedge产生隔阂

look into=find out=investigate调查

follow it through坚持到底/信守诺言


resortto(callingthepolice )必须求助/没有其他选择

排除rule out sth可能性排除XXX


Be As财富As I Can Be会尽我所能


Have a thing for sb/about sth对某人的感觉/喜欢

havea(huge ) crush on sb。

Take some of the heat off me稍微喘口气


Knock it off闭嘴/别再说话了

Look before you leap三思而后行

Brush suggestions to one side蔑视提案

As busy as a bee很忙


Face the music面临现实/困难,承担后果

Fight tooth and nail猛烈作战/竭尽全力


Break my neck at非常努力


Make every effort会努力

Easier said than done不容易做

Be all ears专心致志地聆听

You deserve it! 活该

IT ' SA戴尔一言为定

IT Can count on it。

You have my word虽然你相信我/请放心

Do you really mean it? 帅气的航空it .这个故事是真的吗? -我是认真的


You are a great help to me你帮助了我


you 你先请

think outside the box.跳出固有思维

Choke or thrive 发挥失常/超常

Flash through my mind 闪过一个念头

I'll play it by ear 我会见机行事

My mouth is watering 流口水

That's really something 那真是了不起

I've heard so much about you 久仰大名

His argument doesn't hold water.论点站不住脚

Give a rain check 改天约

I can't bear/put up with/stand忍受

I give my vote to the former / latter opinion同意前者/后者观点

Freak sb. out愤怒/崩溃

bite on somebody=plagiarize抄袭(模仿某人穿衣)

Get out of my comfort zone走出舒适区

Think out of the box创造性思考、打破常规

Make ends meet

Break even 收支平衡

Cut down on 减少…开销

Rack my brains to find a way to 绞尽脑汁找方法

A drop in the bucket数量太少、杯水车薪

Careless talk leads to trouble.

The less said the better.言多必失

When in Rome ,do as the Romans do.入乡随俗

What you lose on the swings, you get back on the roundabouts.失之东隅收之桑榆

What are the odds so long as you are happy? 知足常乐

Entertain an angel unawares有眼不识泰山

Every dog has his day每个人都有出头之日

get overwhelmed不知所措

That explains it. 原来如此

It suddenly Dawn on me 茅塞顿开

-Sorry to bother you.抱歉打扰了/ -I'll be with you in a minute.稍等一下

You were saying? 中途加入对话时不知道进行到哪里,希望对方重复刚才的话题

Where were we? 回到对话中,希望继续

There is no room for doubt 毫无疑问

You sold me. 你说服我了

You sold me out. 你出卖了我

I couldn't care less. 对听的事务完全不感兴趣

This is a no-brainer. 这(因为太简单)不用考虑

stay tuned!别换台!保持收听!

No spoilers 别剧透!

Extend the olive branch/brɑːn(t)ʃ/ 求和/准备讲和(“橄榄枝”有和平之意)

make hay while the sun shines 趁有太阳时晒干草(抓紧时机、趁热打铁)

You’ve got to be kidding me 你一定是在开玩笑(表不可思议难以置信)

Never think yourself above your business 别眼高手低

A is a drop in the ocean compared to B A和B比起来是沧海一粟

Actions speak than louder than words 行动胜于雄辩

To add fuel to the fire 火上浇油

The ball is in your court 下一步到你了(做决定)

To bite off more than I can chew 贪多嚼不烂(做超出能力范围的事)

By the skin of one's teeth 侥幸、勉强、好不容易才

To cut sb. some slack 放某人一马

To get one's head around sth 理解/搞懂

It takes two to tango 一个巴掌拍不响

Miss the boat 错失良机

To be/to sit on the fence 保持中立(neutral)

Be stuck in the middle 进退两难

boost about sth夸耀、自夸


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