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时间:2023-05-03 10:52:35 阅读:48361 作者:1980


下载地址: https://elifulkerson.com/projects/TCP ing.PHP

下载的是另一个exe文件。 将此文件复制到目录中,然后手动指定exe所在的目录或配置环境变量即可使用。


C:Users 管理器更新----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------.---------------------------------------------- xlz-rtimeszxdxlz-szxdxlz-vzxdxlz-cxdxlz-gcountzxdxlz-s source _ addresszxdxlz---- filezxxdxlz---tefilefilenananaxlz dxlz---proxy-credentials username : passwordzxdxlz-f ] server-address [ server-port ]-t : pingcontinuouslyus send 5 pings -i 5 : for instance,ping every5seconds-w 0.5: for instance, wit 0.5 secondsforaresponse-d : includedateandtimeoneachline-b 1:启用beeps (1foron-down,2 for on-up, 2 for on-up () ) ) ) )、3 foron-d4for always (-r 5: for instance, relookupthehostnameevery5pings-s : automaticallyexitonasuccessfulping-v : printversionandexit-j : include抖动器, usingdefaultrollingaverage-js 5:包含抖动,witharollingaveragesizeof (for instance ) )。 5.--tee : mirroroutputtoafilenamespecifiedafter '-- tee '-- append 3360 append to the-- teefilenameratherthanoverwrithe nlyshowanoutputlineonchangedstate-- file : treat the ' server-address ' asafilenameinnname loopthroughfilelinebylinenote 33333 s suchas-jand-casitisloopingthroughdifferenttargetsoptions ccepts server-port.for example,' example.org 443 ' is valid . use-ptoforceaportatcommandlineforeverythinginthefile.- g 5: for instance, geupifwefail5timesinarow-s _ x _ : specifysourceaddress _ x _.sourcemustbeavalidipfortheclientcomputer.- p _ x MEX eoneachlineifavailable---- ansi :用户界面语言(Cygwin ) )。 - color : usewindowscolorsequenceshttpoptions 3360-h : http模式(useurlwithout 3358 for server-address )。 - u : includetargeturloneachline-- post :用户策略以太网(mayavoidcaching ) )。 --- head : useheadratherthanget---- proxy-server : specifyaproxyserver---- proxy-port 3360 specifyaproxyport---------head headerinformatusername : passworddebugoptions 3360-f : forcetcpingtosendatleassend r : includeaheaderwithoriginalargsandsandsand .---- block : usea ' blocking ' sockettoconnect.this ppis orkingandusesthedefaulttimeout (as20 secondsinmycase ) .

ping % 2080 % E3 % 83 % 9d % E3 % 83 % 83 % 88 % E3 % 81 % AFC : % 5c users % 5c % 20 administratortcpingwww.baiding 24.563 ms-isopenprobining % 20 TCP-porti sopen-time % 3d 17.904 ms probing % 2f TCP-porti sopen-tition en-time % 3d 18.062 mspingstatisticsfor probes sent.4 successful % ef % BC % 8c % 200 failed.% ef % I-seconds :最小% 3d 17.904 ms % E3 % 80 % 81最大% 20 % 3d % 2024.563 ms % E3 % 80 % 81平均% 20 % 3d % 2020.634 ms

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