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时间:2023-11-22 02:52:51 阅读:397 作者:画一个句号


A very well groomed dog from Korea is making waves on social media for a her flowing hair, cute [w=outfit]outfits and ever-changing repertoire of impressive hairstyles.一只毛发打理有型的韩国小狗在社交媒体掀起狂潮,小狗毛发飘飘,衣着可爱,发型多变不重样,令人印象至深。

Miho, a Maltese pup from Seoul, has played a starring role on the Instagram account of a pet store called Moelleux, which has over 8,000 followers.“猕猴”是条来自首尔的马尔济斯犬,在Instagram一个名为Moelleux的宠物店扮演明星角色,已有超过8000人关注。

The adorable pooch has long and luscious white hair that can be tied up into a buns and pony tails.这条可爱的混种狗毛发又长又惹人爱,可以束起来扎丸子头和马尾辫。

Little Miho has been pictured out and about the Gangnam area of Seoul modelling different clothes and accessories.小“猕猴”的照片已经拍好,还在首尔江南地区身着不同衣服和佩饰摆模特造型。

The model dog has been dressed in an elegant bow and pearls, wearing cute jumpers and jackets, and in adorable little hats.模特小狗佩戴优雅的小领结和珍珠项链、穿可爱的针织套衫、头戴讨人喜欢的小帽子。

Social media followers have commented on the pup's cute and stylish looks. In another post the stylish dog poses towards the camera wearing a neon yellow jacket with her hair up in a bun.社交媒体粉丝已经评论说小狗的造型可爱时髦。另一张照片上,有形有款的的小狗身穿霓虹亮黄的外套,头发束成髻,冲着照相机拗造型。








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