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时间:2023-05-03 21:58:59 阅读:122376 作者:1690




1 short s=0x00FD软盘;

2字节=(字节) s;


Select 1 correct answer:

A. Compile time error in line 1

B. Compile time error in line 2

C. 0

D. -3

E. -2

解析:考察对强制类型转换的理解,在java中,短类型为16位,占2字节,byte类型为8位。 在第二行中,我们强制对s进行了类型转换,但这实际上是收缩的基本转换,从有符号整数到整数t的电缆转换可能会改变数量和符号,而只是简单地丢弃除了n个最低有效位以外的所有位。


b=0xFD=1111 1101是补数。


如果将b反转,则得到0000 0010,将1 : 0000 0011即3相加,考虑到其为带负数,最终结果为-3

答案: d

13.giventhefollowingmethodinanapplication :

1.publicstringsetfiletype (字符串名称) {

2. int p=fname.indexOf ('.';

3.if(p0 ) fname=fname.substring(0,p );

4. fname ='.TXT ';

5 .返回名称;

6. }

andgiventhatanotherpartoftheclasshasthefollowingcode :

7. String TheFile='Program.java ';

8.filef=新文件(设置文件类型) thefile );

9.system.out.println (创建' the file );

watwillbeprintedbythestatementinline 9?

Select 1 correct answer:

A. Created Program.java

B. Created Program.txt

C. Created Program.java.txt


14.hereistheactioneventfamilytree :


|--- java.util.EventObject

|--- java.awt.AWTEvent

|---- Java.awt.event.actionevent



int evtCt=0;


公共语音事件(活动事件) )。






without causing an exception?

选择所有可订购answers :




d.call with空值

答案: ABD

15.supposewehavetwoclassesdefinedasfollows 3360



Given two va

riables created as follows:

ApBase aBase = new ApBase() ;

ApDerived aDer = new ApDerived();

Which of the following Java code fragments will

compile and execute without error?

Select 1 correct answer:

A. Object obj = aBase ; Runnable rn = obj ;

B. Object obj = aBase ; Runnable rn = (Runnable) obj ;

C. Object obj = aBase ; Observer ob = (Observer)aBase ;

D. Object obj = aDer ; Observer ob2 = obj ;


16. The following lists the complete contents

of the file named Derived.java:

1. public class Base extends Object {

2. String objType ;

3. public Base(){ objType = "I am a Base type" ;

4. }

5. }


7. public class Derived extends Base {

8. public Derived() { objType = "I am a Derived type";

9. }

10. public static void main(String args[] ){

11. Derived D = new Derived();

12. }

13. }

What will happen when this file is compiled?

Select 1 correct answer:

A. Two class files, Base.class and Derived.class will be created

B. The compiler will object to line 1

C. The compiler will object to line 7



17. The following method is designed to convert an input string

to a floating point number, while detecting a bad format.

Assume that factor is correctly defined elsewhere:

public boolean strCvt( String s ){

try {

factor = Double.valueOf( s ).doubleValue();

return true ;

} catch(NumberFormatException e){

System.out.println("Bad number " + s );

factor = Double.NaN ;

}finally { System.out.println("Finally");


return false ; }

Which of the following descriptions of the results of various

inputs to the method are correct? Select all possible answers:

A. Input = "0.234"

Result:factor = 0.234, "Finally" is printed, true is returned.

B. Input = "0.234"

Result:factor = 0.234, "Finally" is printed, false is returned.

C. Input = null

Result:factor = NaN, "Finally" is printed, false is returned.

D. Input = null

Result:factor unchanged,"Finally" is printed,

NullPointerException is thrown.



答案:A D

18. Here is the hierarchy of Exceptions related to

array index errors:


+-- RuntimeException

+-- IndexOutOfBoundsException

+-- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

+-- StringIndexOutOfBoundsException

Suppose you had a method X which could throw both

array index and string index exceptions. Assuming

that X does not have any try - catch statements,

which of the following statements are correct?

A. The declaration for X must include

"throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException,


B. If a method calling X catches IndexOutOfBoundsException, both

array and string index exceptions will be caught.

C. If the declaration for X includes "throwsIndexOutOfBoundsException",

any calling method must use a try - catch block.

D. The declaration for X does not have to mention exceptions.



19. Given the following listing of the Widget class:

1 class Widget extends Thingee{

2 static private int widgetCount = 0 ;

3 public String wName ;

4 int wNumber ;


6 static synchronized int addWidget(){ widgetCount++ ;

7 wName = "I am Widget # " + widgetCount ;

8 return widgetCount ;

9 }

10 public Widget(){

11 wNumber = addWidget();

12 }

13 }

What happens when we try to compile the class and use

multiple Widget objects in a program?

Select 1 correct answer:

A. The class compiles and each Widget will get a unique wNumber

and wName reflecting the order in which the Widgets were created.

B. The compiler objects to line 7

C. A runtime error occurs in the addWidget method

答案:B 原因:静态方法操作的必须是静态变量

20. Given the following class definition:

public class DerivedDemo extends Demo


int M, N, L ;

public DerivedDemo( int x, int y )


M = x ; N = y ;


public DerivedDemo( int x )


super( x );



Which of the following constructor signatures MUST exist

in the Demo class for DerivedDemo to compile correctly?

Select 2 correct answers:

A. public Demo( int a, int b )

B. public Demo( int c )

C. public Demo( )

答案:B C



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