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时间:2023-05-05 09:06:28 阅读:217138 作者:1028

<? //error_reporting(E_ALL); //ini_set('display_errors', '1'); // 9:50 2019/9/17 // IMG_TAG', '010-60000' IMG专用 // tag:010-59000 strong专用 // tag:0105000 自定义关键词列表 // tag:0101010 处理H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 // tag:0102010 // tag:0101110 过滤一些特殊词语 // tag:020 锁定名词 //var_dump($_GET); //echo 'aaaaaaaaaa'; set_time_limit(50); $g_stime = microtime(true); // 程序执行时间 define('EXCEED', -100); // 次数用完超过多少次 define('MAX_LEN', 20000); define('MAX_WORDS', 700); define('TOTAL_WORDS', 2500); define('IS_DEBUG', 0); define('MAX_USE_DAY', 500000); define('CONTACT_ME', ',请联系开发者***'); //define('CURL_TIME_OUT', 10); require_once('utils'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'xfm_admin_config_api.php'); // 配置文件 define('EACH_REQUEST_TIME', $xfm_qps); // API每次请求时间 define('MAX_REWRITE_TIME', 30); define('TITLE_SEPAR', 'xxxxx'); //如果需要设置允许所有域名发起的跨域请求,可以使用通配符 * header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *"); header("Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8"); //ini_set('error_log', dirname(__FILE__) . '/erxxxror_log.txt'); //将出错信息输出到一个文本文件 //var_dump($_POST); require('mmlog.php'); require('fix_punctuation_symbol.php'); $api_key = isset($_GET['key'])?$_GET['key']:''; @file_put_contents('kkkkeeeyyyy.txt', $api_key.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND); if (! ispassword($api_key)) { data_output('API key参数错误', 0); exit; } $last_error = ''; // 是否返回JSON $is_json = isset($_GET['json'])?intval($_GET['json']):0; // 可用次数。 $total_time = get_total_count($api_key); // 自定义关键词列表 // replace_user_word // tag:0105000 require('filter.v.1.2.1.php'); $my_keyword = isset($_GET['kw'])?intval($_GET['kw']):'0'; if ($my_keyword === 1) { // echo json_encode($keywords_filter); show_keyword(); // echo $keyword_filename; exit; } else if ($my_keyword === 2) { $src = isset($_GET['src'])?$_GET['src']:''; $dst = isset($_GET['dst'])?$_GET['dst']:''; add_new_keyword($src, $dst); exit; } else if ($my_keyword === 3) { $src = isset($_GET['src'])?$_GET['src']:''; delete_keyword($src); exit; } // 计数器名字 $counter_filename = md5($api_key); // 今天用量 $today_count = get_count_total_of_day($counter_filename); // 是否自动分段 $auto_section_on = isset($_GET['setn'])?$_GET['setn']:''; /* $tm1 = strtotime('2018-09-25'); $tm2 = time(); if ($tm1 < $tm2) { exit; } */ // 已用次数 if (isset($_GET['count']) && $_GET['count'] === '1') { $times_used = get_xfm_api_counter($counter_filename); data_output($times_used, 1); exit; } //可用次数 if (isset($_GET['count']) && $_GET['count'] === '2') { data_output($total_time, 1); exit; } // 剩余次数 if (isset($_GET['count']) && $_GET['count'] === '3') { $remind_times = $total_time-intval(get_xfm_api_counter($counter_filename)); data_output($remind_times, 1); exit; } // 今天使用 if (isset($_GET['count']) && $_GET['count'] === '5') { data_output($today_count, 1); exit; } // 伪原创版本选择 $ai_version = isset($_GET['v'])? intval($_GET['v']) : 1; if ($ai_version===1) { } else if ($ai_version===2) { } else if ($ai_version===3){ } else if ($ai_version===5) { $ai_version = 9; } else if ($ai_version===6) { $ai_version = 9; } else if ($ai_version===7) { $ai_version = 9; } else { $ai_version = 9; } // 判断是否勾选系统词库 $xfm_syswords = isset($_GET['sw'])?intval($_GET['sw']):0; // 有道暂时无法锁定 18:24 2019/9/20 if ($ai_version===7) { $xfm_syswords=0; } if ($ai_version===9) { //$xfm_syswords=0; } if ($ai_version===1) { //$xfm_syswords=0; } if ($ai_version===2) { $xfm_syswords=0; } if ($ai_version===3) { $xfm_syswords=0; } if (isset($_GET['wenzhang'])) { $_POST['wenzhang'] = $_GET['wenzhang']; } if (!isset($_POST['wenzhang'])) { data_output('缺少wenzhang参数,请查看文档', 0); exit; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 防止请求太快导致系统出错 $time_last_request = get_last_usage_time($api_key); $time_now = time(); $elapsed = $time_now - $time_last_request; $green = isset($_GET['gre'])?intval($_GET['gre']):0; $green = 0; if ($elapsed < EACH_REQUEST_TIME && $green === 0) { @file_put_contents('wait_log.txt', $api_key.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND); // echo 'sleep:'.EACH_REQUEST_TIME-$elapsed; // echo '
'; sleep(EACH_REQUEST_TIME-$elapsed); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $contents = $_POST['wenzhang']; $contents_len = strlen($contents); if ($contents_len < 5) { data_output('文章长度:'.$contents_len.'太短了,请勿浪费资源', 0); exit; } // 文章太长则截取前3000汉字 $cut_str = ''; if ($contents_len > 6000) { #echo '文章长度:'.$contents_len; $contents_1 = mb_substr($contents,0,2300, "utf-8"); $cut_str = mb_substr($contents,2300, null, "utf-8"); $contents = $contents_1; } // 没购买次数 if ($total_time < 1) { data_output('*** 次数不足'.CONTACT_ME.PHP_EOL.$contents, 0); exit; } // 次数用完 if ($total_time-intval(get_xfm_api_counter($counter_filename))<=EXCEED) { data_output('*** 次数:'.$total_time.' 已用完'.CONTACT_ME.PHP_EOL.$contents, 0); exit; } // 一天用太多 if (intval($today_count) >= MAX_USE_DAY) { data_output('*** 达到当天最大量:'.MAX_USE_DAY.CONTACT_ME.PHP_EOL.$contents, 0); exit; } // 提交的文本是否HTML格式 $isHTML = judgeHtml($contents); if (isset($_GET['class']) && $_GET['class'] === '1') { require_once('xfm_html_user_class.php'); $contents = replace_user_class_tag($contents, $lock_class1); //echo 'sccccccccccccccccccc'; } /* 标题分隔符处理 */ $separator_title = false; $sw_title = ''; $separator_xx = TITLE_SEPAR; if (strpos($contents, '(xxx**xxx)') !== false) { $separator_xx = '(xxx**xxx)'; $contents = str_replace('(xxx**xxx)', TITLE_SEPAR, $contents); // 兼容老版本 } if (strpos($contents, '(262661)') !== false) { $separator_xx = '(262661)'; $contents = str_replace('(262661)', TITLE_SEPAR, $contents); // 兼容老版本 } if (strpos($contents, TITLE_SEPAR) !== false) { $arr_tmp = explode(TITLE_SEPAR, $contents); $sw_title = ltrim($arr_tmp[0]); $sw_title = trim($sw_title); $separator_title = true; $contents = str_replace(TITLE_SEPAR, PHP_EOL.'https://www.baidu.com/more/'.PHP_EOL, $contents); } //var_dump($contents); // 是否锁定TABLE,在被过滤前,先替换掉 if (isset($_GET['table']) && $_GET['table'] === '1') { require_once('xfm_html_user_table.php'); $contents = replace_user_table($contents, $lock_table1); //echo 'sccccccccccccccccccc'; } // 是否锁定video,在被过滤前,先替换掉 if (isset($_GET['video']) && $_GET['video'] === '1') { require_once('xfm_html_user_video.php'); $contents = replace_user_video($contents, $lock_video1); //echo 'sccccccccccccccccccc'; } // 处理数据 // 保留 #require('xfm_html_img.php'); require_once('xfm_html_img.v.2.php'); $contents = replace_img_tag($contents, $xfm_img_arr); // HTML熟悉过滤,测试 E:abchtmll $contents = str_replace('

', '

'.PHP_EOL, $contents); $contents = str_replace('
', '
'.PHP_EOL, $contents); $contents = str_replace('
', '
'.PHP_EOL, $contents); $contents = str_replace('
', '
'.PHP_EOL, $contents); require_once 'HTMLPurifier.standalone.php'; $config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault(); #$config->set('HTML.Allowed', 'p,a[href],img[src],img[alt],img[title],h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,strong'); if (isset($_GET['a']) && $_GET['a']==='1') { $config->set('HTML.Allowed', 'a[href],video,img[src],img[alt],img[title],h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,strong'); } else { $config->set('HTML.Allowed', 'video,img[src],img[alt],img[title],h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,strong'); } $purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config); $contents = $purifier->purify($contents); //var_dump($contents); $contents = api_fix_newline($contents); // 过滤一些不好翻译的词, systemword,全局词库 require_once('fix_chinese.php'); $contents = fix_chinese_words($contents); $contents = remove_emoji($contents); // 过滤一些特殊符号 require_once('fix_symbles.php'); $contents = fix_symbles($contents); //$contents = str_replace(' ', '', $contents); $contents = str_replace('', '“', $contents); $contents = str_replace('', '”', $contents); $contents = str_replace('‘', '”', $contents); $contents = str_replace('’', '”', $contents); // 保留a标签 if (isset($_GET['a']) && $_GET['a']==='1') { require_once('xfm_html_href.php'); // echo 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'; $contents = replace_a_tag($contents, $xfm_a_arr); } // 处理H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 require_once('xfm_html_h12345.v.2.php'); // tag:0101010 $contents = replace_h12345_tag($contents, $xfm_h12345_arr); // 对书名号进行过滤 // tag:0103010 require('xfm_html_shuminghao.v.2.php'); // 处理书名号 $contents = replace_shuminghao_tagx($contents, $xfm_shuminghao_arr); // 对strong进行过滤 require('xfm_html_strong.v.2.php'); $contents = replace_strong_tag($contents, $xfm_strong_arr); // 过滤一些特殊词语 // tag:0101110 require_once('special_word.v.2.php'); $contents = replace_special_word($contents); //echo '字数:'. utf8_strlen($contents).PHP_EOL; //var_dump($contents); if ((utf8_strlen($contents) > MAX_LEN) && $ai_version !== 9) { //$new_contents = '提交文字大于'.MAX_LEN.'字,请分段提交。'; //data_output('提交文字大于'.MAX_LEN.'字,请分段提交。', 0); $contents = mb_substr($contents, 0, 2000); //exit; } // 用来处理用户临时提交关键词 require_once('realtime_keyword.php'); if (isset($realtime_kw_arr) && isset($keywords_filter)) { $keywords_filter = array_merge($keywords_filter, $realtime_kw_arr); } #var_dump($keywords_filter); // 替换特殊字符,用户词库 filter.v.1.2.1.php $contents = replace_user_word($contents, $keywords_filter); #var_dump($contents); // 替换系统词库 if ($xfm_syswords === 1) { include "xfm_BosonNLP.v.3.php"; $bnlp = new XdaoUtilBosonNLP("vdchKxzh.5193.RsACZWt3CqNg",true,true); $tag = $bnlp->tag(XdaoUtilBosonNLP::removePunct($contents.""")); $tag_arr = json_decode($tag['response'], true); $all_name_word = XdaoUtilget_all_name_word($tag_arr[0]); $contents = XdaoUtilmy_replace_name_word($contents, $all_name_word); } // echo '----------------------------------'.PHP_EOL; //var_dump($contents); // echo '----------------------------------'.PHP_EOL; //var_dump($all_name_word); // 进行小发猫伪原创 //var_dump($contents); $new_contents = get_xiaofamao($contents); if (! $new_contents) { data_output($last_error, 0); exit; } //var_dump($new_contents); // 还原系统词库 // echo '-------------------------------'.PHP_EOL; // var_dump($new_contents); // echo '-------------------------------'.PHP_EOL; $new_contents = remove_zero_width_space($new_contents); if ($xfm_syswords === 1) { $new_contents = XdaoUtilmy_replace_name_word_back($new_contents, $all_name_word); } // 还原特殊字符 $new_contents = restore_user_word($new_contents, $keywords_filter); // echo '-------------------------------'.PHP_EOL; // var_dump($new_contents); // echo '-------------------------------'.PHP_EOL; // 如果这个不修复,会导致一些替换无法还原 $new_contents = remove_zero_width_space($new_contents); $new_contents = restore_special_word($new_contents); $new_contents = ltrim($new_contents); $new_contents = ltrim($new_contents); //$new_contents .= "


"; // 易语言无法识别 n 换行符 //$new_contents = str_replace("rn", "n", $new_contents); //$new_contents = str_replace("n", "rn", $new_contents); //$new_contents = str_replace("rn", "rn
", $new_contents); //$new_contents = my_xfm_fix($new_contents); $new_contents = fix_article_v1($new_contents); // 修复一些标点符号 $new_contents = fix_ps($new_contents); /* echo ''; */ //echo '*********************************************************'; //echo '
'; //echo $new_contents; //echo '*********************************************************'; //var_dump($new_contents); $new_contents = ltrim($new_contents); $new_contents = ltrim($new_contents); $new_contents = restore_strong_tag($new_contents, $xfm_strong_arr); $new_contents = restore_shuminghao_tagx($new_contents, $xfm_shuminghao_arr); $new_contents = restore_h12345_tag($new_contents, $xfm_h12345_arr); // 保留a标签 if (isset($_GET['a']) && $_GET['a']==='1') { $new_contents = restore_a_tag($new_contents, $xfm_a_arr); } //var_dump($new_contents); $new_contents = str_replace('

', '

', $new_contents); $new_contents = str_replace('

', '

', $new_contents); $new_contents = str_replace('​', '', $new_contents); $new_contents = str_replace('​', '', $new_contents); //$_GET['tw']='1'; if (isset($_GET['tw']) && $_GET['tw'] === '1') { require_once('src/HanziDict.php'); require_once('src/HanziConvert.php'); //$new_contents HanziConvert::convert($new_contents, 1); //$str = '平时已秉班扬笔,暇处不妨甘石经。吾里忻传日边信,君言频中斗杓星。会稽夫子余诗礼,巴蜀君平旧典型。歷歷周天三百度,更参璇玉到虞廷。'; $new_contents = HanziConvert::convert($new_contents,1); } //$new_contents = $purifier->purify($new_contents); // 标题处理 //var_dump($wz_title); //echo '******************************'; //if (isset($wz_title) && strlen($wz_title) > 3) { // echo '******************************'; // 替换特殊字符 // $wz_title = replace_user_word($wz_title, $keywords_filter); // $wz_title = get_xiaofamao($wz_title); // 还原特殊字符 // $wz_title = restore_user_word($wz_title, $keywords_filter); //} //$new_contents .= 'softcat'; // 是否输出JSON数据 if (isset($_GET['auto_href']) && $_GET['auto_href']==='1') { require_once('utils'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'xfm_rand_link_api.php'); $key = isset($_GET['key'])?$_GET['key']:''; $href_times = isset($_GET['href_times'])?$_GET['href_times']:''; $href_times = intval($href_times); if ($key !== '' && $href_times !== 0) { $new_contents = xfm_href_replace_contents_times($key, $new_contents, $href_times); } else if ($key !== '') { $new_contents = xfm_href_replace_contents($key, $new_contents); } } if (isset($_GET['br']) && $_GET['br']==='1') { $new_contents = str_replace("n", "
n", $new_contents); } // 恢复用户自定义保留 class if (isset($_GET['class']) && $_GET['class'] === '1') { $new_contents = restore_user_class_tag($new_contents, $lock_class1); } $new_contents = restore_img_tag($new_contents, $xfm_img_arr); if ($separator_title) { $new_contents = str_replace('http://www.Baidu.com /小毛毛/', 'http://www.baidu.com/xiaofamao/', $new_contents); $new_contents = str_replace('www.baiidu.com/xiaofamao/', 'www.baidu.com/xiaofamao/', $new_contents); $new_contents = str_replace('https://www.baidu.com/more/', 'https://www.baidu.com/more/', $new_contents); $new_contents = str_replace('https://www.baidu.com/more/ ', 'https://www.baidu.com/more/', $new_contents); $new_contents = str_replace(' https://www.baidu.com/more/', 'https://www.baidu.com/more/', $new_contents); $new_contents = str_replace('https://www.baidu.com/more/', TITLE_SEPAR, $new_contents); $arr_tmp = explode(TITLE_SEPAR, $new_contents); $sw_title = ltrim($arr_tmp[0]); $sw_title = trim($sw_title); $sw_title = trim($sw_title, '。'); /*echo '
'; var_dump($sw_title); echo '
';*/ if (isset($_GET['title']) && $_GET['title']==='1') { $sw_title = get_ai_title($sw_title); } $new_contents = ltrim($arr_tmp[1]); $new_contents = trim($new_contents); } if ($isHTML) { $new_contents = api_fix_newline($new_contents); $new_contents_arr = explode(PHP_EOL, $new_contents); $new_contents_temp = ''; foreach ($new_contents_arr as $key => $value) { $new_contents_temp .= '


'.PHP_EOL; } $new_contents = $new_contents_temp; } // 恢复用户video if (isset($_GET['video']) && $_GET['video'] === '1') { $new_contents = restore_user_video($new_contents, $lock_video1); $new_contents = str_replace("


", '', $new_contents); //echo 'sccccccccccccccccccc'; } // 恢复用户TABLE if (isset($_GET['table']) && $_GET['table'] === '1') { $new_contents = restore_user_table($new_contents, $lock_table1); //echo 'sccccccccccccccccccc'; } // echo '-------------------------------'.PHP_EOL; // var_dump($new_contents); // echo '-------------------------------'.PHP_EOL; $new_contents = str_replace('


', '

', $new_contents); // 恢复用户TABLE if (isset($_GET['ln']) && $_GET['ln'] === '0') { //$new_contents = str_replace('

'.PHP_EOL, '

', $new_contents); $new_contents = str_replace(PHP_EOL.'

', '

', $new_contents); $new_contents = str_replace('

'.PHP_EOL, '

', $new_contents); //echo 'sccccccccccccccccccc'; } // echo '-------------------------------'.PHP_EOL; // var_dump($new_contents); // echo '-------------------------------'.PHP_EOL; // 修复标点符号 require_once('utils'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'fix_punctuation.php'); $new_contents = fix_zh_punctuation($new_contents); $new_contents .= $cut_str; // 前面截取了前3000字处理,剩下的到这里要加上 // 添加模板 require_once('utils'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'xfm_user_template.php'); $template_ai = get_template($template_filename); if (strpos($template_ai, TEMPLATE_TAG) !== false) { $new_contents = str_replace(TEMPLATE_TAG, $new_contents, $template_ai); } data_output($new_contents, 1, $sw_title); // 增加使用次数 log7($counter_filename, 'api'); // 更新使用时间 save_last_usage_time($api_key); function judgeHtml($str){ if($str != strip_tags($str)){ return true; }else{ return false; } } function get_title($contents) { $arr = explode("n", $contents); return $arr[0]; } // 可用次数 function get_total_count($api_key) { $file_name = 'count' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'count_'.md5($api_key); if (file_exists($file_name)) { $count = file_get_contents($file_name); return intval($count); } return 0; } // 数据返回给用户 function data_output($data, $status, $title='') { global $separator_xx; global $is_json; // 是否返回JSON数据 if ($is_json===1) { $ret_array = array( 'status'=>$status, 'result'=>$data); echo json_encode($ret_array); } else { if ($title !== '') { echo $title.$separator_xx.PHP_EOL; } echo $data; } } function reset_newline_win($contents) { // 优化换行符 $contents = str_replace("rn", "n", $contents); $contents = str_replace("r", "n", $contents); $contents = str_replace("n", PHP_EOL, $contents); return $contents; } // 超过1000字分段代码 function ff_page($contents) { global $g_stime; global $ai_version; // 自动分段模块 require_once('xfm_auto_section.v.3.php'); $sections = auto_section_1($contents); // echo count($sections); // echo '
'; /* foreach ($sections as $key => $value) { echo utf8_strlen($value); echo ' - '; echo str_replace(PHP_EOL, '
', $value); echo '

'; }*/ // var_dump($sections); $sections_ok = array(); // return ''; foreach ($sections as $key => $value) { //echo '-----------------------------------------------------'.PHP_EOL; //var_dump($value); //echo '-----------------------------------------------------'.PHP_EOL; // var_dump(utf8_strlen($value)); $etime = microtime(true);//获取程序执行结束的时间 $utotal=$etime-$g_stime; //echo '--time:'.$utotal; if (MAX_REWRITE_TIME > intval($utotal)) { if ($ai_version===1) { require_once('ai_list.v.3.php'); $rewrite = tensorflow1_v2($value); } else if ($ai_version===2) { require_once('ai_list.v.3.php'); $rewrite = tensorflow2_v2($value); } else if ($ai_version===3) { require_once('ai_list.v.3.php'); $rewrite = tensorflow3_v2($value); } else if ($ai_version===5) { $rewrite = tensorflow_baidu($value); } else if ($ai_version===6) { $rewrite = tensorflow_baidu($value); } else if ($ai_version===9) { require_once('ai_list.v.3.php'); $rewrite = tensorflow1_v2($value); } } else { $rewrite = $value; } // var_dump($rewrite); $sections_ok[] = $rewrite; // $total_temp += $value['words']; // 文章长度 // $content_temp .= $value['str'].PHP_EOL; // 文章内容 // if ($total_temp > MAX_WORDS) { // $total_contents .= fake_translate($content_temp); // $total_temp = 0; // 处理好后,重置长度 // $content_temp = ''; // 处理好后,重置内容 // } } // if ($total_temp>0) { // $total_contents .= fake_translate($content_temp); // } // $utotal=$etime-$g_stime; // echo '--time:'.$utotal; //echo '-----------------------------------------------------'.PHP_EOL; //var_dump($sections_ok); //echo '-----------------------------------------------------'.PHP_EOL; $total_contents = implode(PHP_EOL, $sections_ok); return $total_contents; } function remove_zero_width_space($text) { /** * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11305797/remove-zero-width-space-characters-from-a-javascript-string * U+200B zero width space * U+200C zero width non-joiner Unicode code point * U+200D zero width joiner Unicode code point * U+FEFF zero width no-break space Unicode code point */ $text = preg_replace( '/[x{200B}-x{200D}]/u', '', $text ); return $text; } function show_debug_info($info_name, $info) { if (IS_DEBUG) { echo $info_name.':'.$info.PHP_EOL; echo '
'.PHP_EOL; } } function show_debug_print($info_name, $info_arr) { if (IS_DEBUG) { echo $info_name.':'.PHP_EOL; echo '
'.PHP_EOL; echo '
        echo '
'.PHP_EOL; } } function get_xiaofamao($contents) { $zh_article = ff_page($contents); if (stripos($zh_article, 'Fatal error') !== false) { $last_error = $zh_article; return false; } if (stripos($zh_article, 'Operation timed out after 60001 milliseconds') !== false) { $last_error = $zh_article; return false; } if (stripos($zh_article, 'Connection timed out after 60001 milliseconds') !== false) { $last_error = $zh_article; return false; } if (stripos($zh_article, '操作在60001毫秒后超时') !== false) { $last_error = $zh_article; return false; } return $zh_article; } function removeEmoji($text) { $cleanText = ""; // Match Emoticons $regexEmoticons = '/[x{1F600}-x{1F64F}]/u'; $cleanText = preg_replace($regexEmoticons, '', $text); // Match Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs $regexSymbols = '/[x{1F300}-x{1F5FF}]/u'; $cleanText = preg_replace($regexSymbols, '', $cleanText); // Match Transport And Map Symbols $regexTransport = '/[x{1F680}-x{1F6FF}]/u'; $cleanText = preg_replace($regexTransport, '', $cleanText); return $cleanText; } function remove_emoji($string) { // Match Emoticons $regex_emoticons = '/[x{1F600}-x{1F64F}]/u'; $clear_string = preg_replace($regex_emoticons, '', $string); // Match Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs $regex_symbols = '/[x{1F300}-x{1F5FF}]/u'; $clear_string = preg_replace($regex_symbols, '', $clear_string); // Match Transport And Map Symbols $regex_transport = '/[x{1F680}-x{1F6FF}]/u'; $clear_string = preg_replace($regex_transport, '', $clear_string); // Match Miscellaneous Symbols $regex_misc = '/[x{2600}-x{26FF}]/u'; $clear_string = preg_replace($regex_misc, '', $clear_string); // Match Dingbats $regex_dingbats = '/[x{2700}-x{27BF}]/u'; $clear_string = preg_replace($regex_dingbats, '', $clear_string); return $clear_string; } //echo $tag; // 计算中文字符串长度 function utf8_strlen($string = null) { return strlen($string); /* // 将字符串分解为单元 preg_match_all("/./us", $string, $match); // 返回单元个数 return count($match[0]);*/ } function api_fix_newline($data) { $data = str_replace("r", "n", $data); while(strpos($data, "nn") !== false) { $data = str_replace("nn", "n", $data); } $data = str_replace("n", PHP_EOL, $data); return $data; } function my_clear($contents) { $ret = ltrim(str_replace(array(' ', '【1】 【2】'), array('',''), $contents) ); return $ret; } // 超过1000字分段代码 // 根据换行符进行分段 // 空白的行会自动过滤 function section_by_line_break($content) { $content = str_replace("r", "n", $content); $content = str_replace("nn", "n", $content); $content = str_replace("n", PHP_EOL, $content); $aarr = explode(PHP_EOL, $content); foreach ($aarr as $key => $value) { $temp = str_replace(' ','', $value); $len = utf8_strlen($temp); if ($len>MAX_WORDS) { $content = str_replace("。", '。'.PHP_EOL, $content); } } $aarr = explode(PHP_EOL, $content); // var_dump($aarr); $ret_arr = array(); foreach ($aarr as $key => $value) { $temp = str_replace(' ','', $value); $len = utf8_strlen($temp); if ($len>0 && $len<=MAX_WORDS) { $ret_arr[]=array('words'=>utf8_strlen($value), 'str'=>$value); } else if ($len>MAX_WORDS) { //echo 'section_by_line_break section too long'; show_debug_info('出现巨大段落,长度', $len); } } return $ret_arr; } /** * php正则验证密码规则 * 只允许 数字、字母、下划线 * 最短6位、最长16位 */ function ispassword($str) { if (preg_match('/^[_0-9a-z]{6,16}$/i',$str)){ return true; } else { return false; } } ?>

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